Blast Off For Adventure With Infinite Galaxies!

Are you ready for some sci-fi action-adventure? It can be yours with Infinite Galaxies, now available from Grendel’s Vault Productions. Find us on DriveThruRPG or at your favorite convention. The game contains everything you need to play exciting sci-fi adventures in a setting of your choice.

Infinite Galaxies Book Cover

Roleplaying in a Bright Future

Infinite Galaxies presents a positive and engaging future state of the universe. Heroes have explored the stars and found common cause with alien civilizations. Technology and society have combined to achieve a certain harmony. But there will always be those who oppose our heroes. There is danger out there among the stars. Play to find out what happens.

Though Infinite Galaxies was designed with a certain approach in gameplay, you are encouraged to make it your own! Infinite Galaxies is very customizable; you are invited to bring your own setting and ideas about how to play.

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This is a roleplaying game, meaning that players each take on the role of a specific character in the game. One of the players, the Game Master (GM), acts as a sort of “master of ceremonies”, arbiter, referee, sounding board, and the one player ultimately responsible for facilitating the game itself. In a roleplaying game, each player portrays a character of some sort. In Infinite Galaxies, players select a playbook, which is a template of abilities and a framework around which the character is developed. While most of the players play only one character, the GM portrays just about everyone else (the characters encountered during the course of the game).

This is a game, after all, and a game has rules. Infinite Galaxies is built upon a few concepts. First, the players drive the action. It is the players who take narrative control and pursue their desired path. The Game Master is there to facilitate play, to make rulings, and to spur the action forward when needed. Second, every action that requires a roll has an outcome. In some games, there are many rolls that end up with no consequence. That is not true of Infinite Galaxies; every time the GM calls for a roll, something is going to happen. Third, every player is expected to contribute to the story; this is not a game where the Game Master creates everything and the players are just there to enjoy his or her creations.

Infinite Galaxies Scientist

Of course, Infinite Galaxies is a science-fiction game. The term, “science-fiction” can mean different things to different people. The good news is that Infinite Galaxies should be able to accommodate most of these ideas. Infinite Galaxies can be used to simulate many different science-fiction concepts, from the “soft” science of a “sword-and-planet” story, for example, the Mars stories of Edgar Rice Burroughs, to space operas like Star Wars, to the “hard” science novels of Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, and films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey. Though Infinite Galaxies tends to be on the “softer” side of the science, there’s nothing in the game preventing the players from creating a “harder” science setting.

Infinite Galaxies presents several game initiatives. The first of these initiatives is exploration. Players can explore new places and perhaps meet new and strange alien civilizations. Exploration is a key initiative because it enables the setting to unfold. Even if the players are visiting a “core world”, some place that their characters ought to be familiar with, it is new to the players themselves, and thus, would be considered exploration. Another initiative is combat and, specifically, space combat. Since Infinite Galaxies is a science-fiction game, space combat is to be encouraged – where possible – because of the genre. Combat action of any kind is also encouraged and is a staple of this kind of roleplaying game. Another initiative is the presentation of technology far advanced beyond our own. Again, because this is a science-fiction game, it is expected that players will encounter highly advanced technological concepts, such as robots, space travel, and laser guns. The final initiative is the presentation of the “other”; players should encounter strange aliens and sentient robots. These represent intelligences other than humans. This is also a big staple of the science-fiction genre.

By playing Infinite Galaxies, you should create a setting of exploration, of strange new worlds and civilizations, of technologies beyond our own, of excitement, and of action and adventure. Your characters are “larger-than-life” personas, with capabilities beyond those of normal people. Your characters have interesting motivations that drive the story forward. And this story, the one that you create, is about your characters.



To help you get started playing Infinite Galaxies RIGHT NOW, we offer three files for download. The first is the DOWNLOAD PACKET, containing all of the playbooks, moves, and equipment lists you’ll need to play. The second, the ROCKET BOOSTER, which is a “quick-play” guide to help you understand the basics of the game. The third, the GM HANDOUT, contains information useful to the Game Master. If you're using RoleVTT to play online, you can download Infinite Galaxies templates below!


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